Water Reuse Can Be Easy
99% of residential homes require major upgrades to incorporate a gray water system. Existing multi-unit buildings in dense cities are even more challenging. Not anymore! BlueReuse works like a toaster; set and forget and save.

Designed To Save and Reuse Your Water

Use fresh water for drinking and showering; use gray water for everything else! With this simple mindset, homes can drastically reduce their consumption and save significantly on their water bill. BlueReuse makes this significantly simpler for anyone to implement.

Designed with intelligence to be fully automatic and self-balancing throughout your home, office or building. BlueReuse is a smart gray water system and knows exactly where to source and deliver gray water, consistently.

As the economics of climate change and drought shift regions' focus to prioritizing conservation and reuse, we are happy to share there is an easy way we can solve these challenges, together. Try BlueReuse, now!